NWS Journal Articles, 2020

NWS Journal Articles, 2020

Table of Contents for National Wellbeing Service (NWS) Journals, 2020

This is a central hub for articles published in the National Wellbeing Service (NWS) journals. The articles will be listed below in date order of publication.

NB. Articles not assigned to an issue. They are given a volume and article number.

European Journal of Applied Positive Psychology, Volume 4, Article 1, 1-2. Editorial

Editorial: The European Journal of Applied Positive Psychology looking ahead

Ilona Boniwell, Siobhain O’Riordan and Stephen Palmer

Boniwell, I., O’Riordan, S., & Palmer, S. (2020). Editorial: The European Journal of Applied Positive Psychology looking ahead. European Journal of Applied Positive Psychology, 4, 1, 1-2. Retrieved from: https://www.nationalwellbeingservice.org/volumes/volume-4-2020/volume-4-article-1-editorial

Published 15/01/20

Volume 4, Article 1

Editorial available as a PDF download

European Journal of Applied Positive Psychology  Volume 4, Article 2

A Comparative Review of Current Research Methods in Positive Psychology

Nina Helwig, Darya Yatsevich, Annika C. Vetter, Alina M. Wuttke, & Bernhard Schmitz


Helwig, N., Yatsevich, D., Vetter, A. C., Wuttke, A. M., & Schmitz, B. (2020). ‘A Comparative Review of Current Research Methods in Positive Psychology.’ European Journal of Applied Positive Psychology, 4, 2, 1-31. Retrieved from: https://www.nationalwellbeingservice.org/volumes/volume-4-2020/volume-4-article-2/

Volume 4, Article 2

Published on 15th January, 2020

European Journal of Counselling Theory, Research and Practice Volume 4, Article 1, 1-2. 

Stephen Palmer, Kristina Gyllensten, Siobhain O’Riordan & Kasia Szymanska


Citation: Palmer, S., Gyllensten, K., O’Riordan, S., & Szymanska, K. (2020). Editorial. European Journal of Counselling Theory, Research and Practice, 4, 1, 1-2. Retrieved from: https://www.europeancounselling.eu/volumes/volume-4-2020/volume-4-article-1-editorial/

Published on 12/02/20

International Journal of Stress Prevention and Wellbeing, Volume 4, Article 1, Editorial

Editorial: the International Journal of Stress Prevention and Wellbeing
Prof Stephen Palmer & Dr Siobhain O’Riordan

Palmer, S., & O’Riordan, S. (2020). ‘Editorial: the International Journal of Stress Prevention and Wellbeing’. International Journal of Stress Prevention and Wellbeing, 4, 1, 1-2.
Retrieved from: https://www.stressprevention.net/volume/ volume-4-2020/volume-4-article-1-editorial

Volume 4, Article 1, Editorial

Published on 13/02/20

International Journal of Stress Prevention and Wellbeing, Volume 4, Article 2

Which rescue workers benefit from preventive training in self-management to improve mental health?
Heilwine Bakker, Marc van Veldhoven, Tony Gaillard & Remy Hertogs


Bakker, H., van Veldhoven, M., Gaillard, T., & Hertog, R. (2020). ‘Which rescue workers benefit from preventive training in self-management?’ International Journal of Stress Prevention and Wellbeing, 4, 2, 1-16. Retrieved from: https://www.stressprevention.net/volume/volume-4-2020/volume-4-article-2/

Volume 4, Article 2

Published on 13/02/20

European Journal of Applied Positive Psychology  Volume 4, Article 3

Highlights from Day 2 of the 9th International Congress of Coaching Psychology Positive and Coaching Psychology: Wellbeing, Sustainability and Achieving Balance Friday 11 October 2019, London UK
Sarah Nelson


Nelson, S. (2020). ‘Highlights from day 2 of the 9th International Congress of Coaching Psychology, Positive and Coaching Psychology: Wellbeing, Sustainability and Achieving Balance, Friday 11 October 2019, London UK.’ European Journal of Applied Positive Psychology, 4, 3, 1-3. Retrieved from: https://www.nationalwellbeingservice.org/volumes/volume-4-2020/volume-4-article-3/

Volume 4, Article 3

Published on 15th April, 2020

European Journal of Applied Positive Psychology, Volume 4, Article 4

Personality and Well-being: The Role of Discrepancy in Individual and Societal Comparison
Alicia A. Stachowski, Marcy Young Illies and John T. Kulas

Stachowski, A., Young Illies, M., & Kulas, J. (2020). ‘Personality and Well-being: The Role of Discrepancy in Individual and Societal Comparison.’ European Journal of Applied Positive Psychology, 4, 4, 1-12. Retrieved from: https://www.nationalwellbeingservice.org/volumes/volume-4-2020/volume-4-article-4/

Volume 4, Article 4

Published 15th April, 2020

European Journal of Applied Positive Psychology, Volume 4, Article 5

A Meta-Analytic Investigation of the Relationship between Intrinsic Motivation and Affect
Peter J. Stanley, Nicola S. Schutte & Wendy J. Phillips


Stanley, P. J., Schutte, N. S., & Phillips, W. J. (2020). ‘A Meta-Analytic Investigation of the Relationship between Intrinsic Motivation and Affect.’ European Journal of Applied
Positive Psychology, 4, 5, 1-11. Retrieved from: https://www.nationalwellbeingservice.org/volumes/volume-4-2020/volume-4-article-5/

Volume 4, Article 5

Published 2nd May 2020

European Journal of Applied Positive Psychology Volume 4, Article 6

Managing Multiple Roles for Generation Stress: An Exploratory Investigation of Positive Resources Impacting Conflict and Enrichment in College Students
Jessica M. Nicklin, Kendra Brown & Sarah Ketay

Nicklin, J. M., Brown, K., & Ketay, S. (2020). ‘Managing Multiple Roles for Generation Stress: An Exploratory Investigation of Positive Resources Impacting Conflict and Enrichment in College Students.’ European Journal of Applied Positive Psychology, 4, 6, 1-13. Retrieved from: https://www.nationalwellbeingservice.org/volumes/volume-4-2020/volume-4-article-6/

Volume 4, Article 6

Published on 2nd May, 2020

European Journal of Applied Positive Psychology, Volume 4, Article 7

Does positive affect lead to perceptions of meaning in life? The moderating role of self-connection
Kristine Klussman, Austin Lee Nichols, Julia Langer & Nicola Curtin

Klussman, K., Nichols, A. L., Langer, J., & Curtin, N. (2020). ‘Does Positive Affect Lead to Perceptions of Meaning in Life? The Moderating Role of Self-connection.’ European Journal of Applied Positive Psychology, 4, 7, 1-11. Retrieved from: https://www.nationalwellbeingservice.org/volumes/volume-4-2020/volume-4-article-7/

Volume 4, Article 7

Published on 2nd May, 2020.

International Journal of Stress Prevention and Wellbeing, Volume 4, Article 3

Enhancing Transition Resilience: Using the INSIGHT coaching and counselling model to assist in coping with COVID-19
Sheila Panchal, Stephen Palmer & Siobhain O’Riordan


Panchal, S., Palmer, S., & O’Riordan, S. (2020). ‘Enhancing Transition Resilience: Using the INSIGHT coaching and counselling model to assist in coping with COVID-19’. International Journal of Stress Prevention and Wellbeing, 4, 3, 1-6. Retrieved from: https://www.stressprevention.net/volume/volume-4-2020/volume-4-article-3/

Volume 4, Article 3

Published on 11/05/20

European Journal of Counselling Theory, Research and Practice, Volume 4, Article 2, 1-2.

Book review: How to Work with People… and Enjoy It! 

Reviewer: Stephen Palmer

Book Review

Citation: Palmer, S. (2020). Book review: How to Work with People… and Enjoy It! European Journal of Counselling Theory, Research and Practice, 4, 4, 1-2. Retrieved from: https://www.europeancounselling.eu/volumes/volume-3-2019/volume-4-article-2/

Published online 15 June 2020.

Volume 4 Article 2

European Journal of Counselling Theory, Research and Practice, Volume 4, Article 2, 1-8

Process-based chairwork: Applications and innovations in the time of COVID-19

Matthew Pugh and Tobyn Bell

Pugh, M., and Bell, T. (2020). ‘Process-based chairwork: Applications and innovations in the time of COVID-19’, European Journal of Counselling Theory, Research and Practice, 4, 3, 1-8. Retrieved from: https://www.europeancounselling.eu/volumes/volume-4-2020/volume-4-article-3/

Published online 24 June, 2020.

Volume 4, Article 3

European Journal of Applied Positive Psychology, Volume 4, Article 8

The Impact of a Music Education Program on the Emotional Wellbeing of Elementary Students in a Rural Community: A Mixed Methods Investigation

Angela S. Jones, Dr. Darla Eshelman, Dr. Keith White, Dr. Andrew H. Kemp and Dr. Justine Howard

Jones, A. S., Eshelman, D., White, K., Kemp, A. H., & Howard, J. (2020). ‘The Impact of a Music Education Program on the Emotional Wellbeing of Elementary Students in a Rural Community: A Mixed Methods Investigation.’ European Journal of Applied Positive Psychology, 4, 8, 1-10. Retrieved from: https://www.nationalwellbeingservice.org/volumes/volume-4-2020/volume-4-article-8/

Volume 4, Article 8

Published 8 July, 2020

European Journal of Applied Positive Psychology, Volume 4, Article 9

Goals for Good: Testing an Intervention to Reduce Materialism in Three European Countries

Natasha Parker, Tim Kasser, Anat Bardi, Birgitta Gatersleben and Angela Druckman

Parker, N., Kasser, T., Bardi, A., Gatersleben, B., & Druckman, A. (2020). ‘Goals for Good: Testing an Intervention to Reduce Materialism in Three European Countries.’ European Journal of Applied Positive Psychology, 4, 9, 1-13. Retrieved from: https://www.nationalwellbeingservice.org/volumes/volume-4-2020/volume-4-article-9/

Volume 4, Article 9

Published on 8 July, 2020

European Journal of Applied Positive Psychology, Volume 4, Article 10

Could the experience of the COVID-19 pandemic have any positive impact on wellbeing?
Stephen Palmer, Sheila Panchal and Siobhain O’Riordan

Palmer, S., Panchal, S., & O’Riordan, S. (2020). ‘Could the experience of the COVID-19 pandemic have any positive impact on wellbeing?.’ European Journal of Applied Positive Psychology, 4, 10, 1-13. Retrieved from: https://www.nationalwellbeingservice.org/volumes/volume-4-2020/volume-4-article-10/

Volume 4, Article 10

Published on 8th July, 2020.

European Journal of Applied Positive Psychology, Volume 4, Article 11

The contribution of perceived health and economic status to well-being: The mediating role of psychosocial resources
Hasida Ben-Zur, PhD

Ben-Zur, H. (2020). ‘The contribution of perceived health and economic status to well-being: The mediating role of psychosocial resources’. European Journal of Applied Positive Psychology, 4, 11, 1-10. Retrieved from: https://www.nationalwellbeingservice.org/volumes/volume-4-2020/volume-4-article-11/

Volume 4, Article 11

Published 6th August, 2020

International Journal of Coaching Psychology, Volume 1, Article 1
Editorial: Launch of The International Journal of Coaching Psychology
Siobhain O’Riordan PhD

Citation: O’Riordan, S. (2020). Editorial: Welcome to The International Journal of Coaching Psychology. International Journal of Coaching Psychology, 1, 1, 1-2. https://ijcpnationalwellbeingservice.com/volumes/volume-1-2020/volume-1-article-1-editorial-coaching-psychology/

Processing dates: Submitted 14 August, 2020; Published online 20 August, 2020.

Volume 1, Article 1

International Journal of Coaching Psychology, Volume 1, Article 2

Coaching during the COVID-19 pandemic: Application of the CLARITY solution-focused cognitive behavioural coaching model
Helen Williams and Stephen Palmer

Citation: Williams, H., & Palmer, S. (2020). Coaching during the COVID-19 pandemic: Application of the CLARITY solution focused cognitive behavioural coaching model. International Journal of Coaching Psychology, 1, 2, 1-11. https://ijcp.nationalwellbeingservice.com/volumes/volume-1-2020/volume-1-article-2/

Processing Dates: Received 14 July 2020; Re-submitted 22 July, 2020; Accepted 24 July, 2020; Published online: 20 August, 2020

Volume 1, Article 2