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Category: Events

Journal of Ecopsychology

Journal of Ecopsychology (JoE) The Journal of Ecopsychology (JoE) is a peer reviewed journal. The Journal of Ecopsychology editorial team invite papers on the theory, research, philosophy and practice of Ecopsychology. This includes papers on the Biophilia hypothesis, Biophilic building and office design, Biophilic Cities, climate coaching, eco-wellbeing, eco-health, human-nature relationship, climate crisis, green and blue exercise […]

Important Journal Announcement: European Journal of Counselling, Theory, Research and Practice Website Migration

Journal Announcement: European Journal of Counselling, Theory, Research and Practice (EJC-TRAP) Website Migration Following the European Commission’s notice to .eu domain stakeholders relating the United Kingdom’s withdrawal from the European Union, our publication, the European Journal of Counselling, Theory, Research and Practice (EJC-TRAP) has migrated it’s website and contents to As the publisher, the National Wellbeing Service Ltd is a […]

New Journal: International Journal of Coaching Psychology

Focus and scope of the International Journal of Coaching Psychology The International Journal of Coaching Psychology seeks articles with a focus on theory, research and practice of coaching psychology. In addition to research articles, papers can include brief reports, techniques, interventions, strategies, book reviews and conference reports. Editorials are written by the editors on topics […]

NWS uses shareARTICLES

shareARTICLES The National Wellbeing Service Ltd publishes three academic journals. We want our authors to legally share their research, theory and practice articles. We call the process shareARTICLES. Since the launch of our journals in 2017, all articles are available through a view only system which can be shared over the internet using our social […]

What is an Open Researcher and Contributor ID

What is ORCID®  Open Researcher and Contributor ID (ORCID®) provides a persistent digital identifier that distinguishes authors from every other researcher and, through integration in key research workflows such as manuscript and grant submission, supports automated linkages between authors and their professional activities ensuring that their work is recognized.

National Wellbeing Service Ltd has been launched by a group of Chartered Psychologists

The National Wellbeing Service Ltd has been launched by a group of Chartered Psychologists, researchers and health professionals. Check out our facebook site for relevant posts, follow us on LinkedIn, twitter or Google+. You can subscribe to our daily newsletter which will keep you up-to-date with wellbeing and health news and opinions. As a part of […]

National Wellbeing Service Journals

National Wellbeing Service: Journals  The National Wellbeing Service publishes a range of daily health related online newsletters and in 2017 it is launching three academic journals: International Journal of Stress Prevention and Wellbeing (IJSPW) Volume 1 European Journal of Counselling Theory, Research and Practice (EJC-TRAP) Volume 1 European Journal of Applied Positive Psychology (EJAPP) Volume 1  The journals […]